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Mindful Moment: Check in with yourself

Make sure to take time and check in with yourself. A self check in can give you the answers you may be looking for.

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Title: Mindful moment: Check in with yourself

Life can get busy. And sometimes you might feel like you're running just to keep up with the pace of everything going on around you. In those moments it's easy to lose track of what's important to you.

To help you stay in touch with your personal needs, try checking in with yourself. A self-check-in can be as simple as taking a short break for inner reflection. Here are few tips to help you get started with a self-check-in:

Ask yourself a few questions and answer honestly:

Am I taking care of myself physically? This could mean drinking enough water, eating healthy foods or moving your body regularly – for instance by stretching or going for a short walk.

Am I taking care of myself mentally? This could mean focusing on positive thoughts, challenging negative thoughts or taking a few deep breaths to help clear your mind.

Think of a few things that bring you joy – from a favorite song, picture or memory – keeping these things in mind can help inspire you throughout the day.

Tap into your support system – reaching out to a family member, friend, local community resource or online support group can help provide support and a different perspective.

Try journaling – this provides a space where you can privately express yourself. It can also help track how you're feeling over time.

David Goggins, author, ultramarathon runner, Guinness World Record holder and a retired U.S. Navy SEAL, once said, "The most important conversations you'll ever have are the ones you'll have with yourself."

Making time to check in with yourself each day can increase your self-awareness, provide inspiration and fuel your mind and body throughout your day.