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Mindful Moment: Showing up for yourself

Showing up for yourself means doing the things that support your mental and emotional health. It's figuring out what you want, what you need and what adds value to your life.

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Title: Mindful moment: Showing up for yourself

Showing up for yourself simply means taking care of you. It's doing the things that support your mental and emotional health. It's figuring out what you want, what you need, and what adds value to your life. Showing up for yourself can be making time to do the things that you love with the people you love. It can be going for a walk in nature, learning how to paint, or volunteering your time or talents. Showing up for yourself can be increasing your awareness, like practicing mindfulness or having an attitude of gratitude. And it can also be recognizing how you talk to yourself and changing those negative beliefs into something more positive. Showing up for yourself means giving yourself grace, being kind to yourself, and redefining failure and struggles as opportunities to learn and grow.

Practicing self-care, doing daily activities that bring you joy, and seeking ways to feel more at peace is showing up for yourself. It's living a life where you honor your needs and make yourself a priority, knowing that you are better, healthier, and stronger when you do. So find what works for you and stick with it, because showing up is a journey to better mental and emotional health.